Traditional Catholic Catechism Lessons Online

Adult Faith Formation Lessons offers several lessons for adults looking to learn or better understand the Catholic Faith. We produce several lessons on several topics including:

The Apostles Creed

The Ten Commandments

The Lords Prayer

The Sacraments

The Deposit Of The Faith

Also included is Book by Book written commentaries as well as Audio and Video commentaries on each of the books of the Bible.

Book of Genesis

Book Of Exodus

Book of Leviticus

Book of Numbers

Book of Deuteronomy

Book of Joshua

Gospel of Matthew


apostles creed.jpgThe Apostles Creed

The Apostles’ creed is the oldest statement of faith in the Catholic Church, written sometime in the second century AD. The creed defines core Christian beliefs about God, Jesus, the church, salvation, and other theological topics. (Tap Here)


The Ten Commandments

The ten laws given to Moses and Israel on Mt Sinai served several purposes.

  • To Israel the law revealed the nature of God.
  • The second purpose of the law was to reveal to each person that they could not obey God’s holy law.
  • The third purpose was civil. The law provided a framework for the creation of a just society.  (Tap Here)


Lords PrayerThe Lord's Prayer

We approach the Lord’s Prayer with humility, saying with the first disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Through prayer we journey from wherever we are on earth to the very heart of God. (Tap Here)


The Sacraments

So what is a sacrament? Many people think the sacraments are a pledge or dedication of our lives to God. However, the sacraments are actually much greater and bigger than that. They are not so much things we do for God but are actually the means God uses to grace us. The sacraments are vital practices of the Church that confesses that Jesus is God and Savior of the world. As such, it is important to understand what they are and why they are important. (Tap Here)


Precepts of the Church

In the Catholic Church, the Precepts of the Church, sometimes called Commandments of the Church, are certain laws considered binding on the faithful. As usually understood, they are moral and ecclesiastical, broad in character and limited in number. In modern times there are five. These specifically Catholic commandments are additional to the Ten Commandments. (Tap Here)

bible with rosary.pngBible Courses

Lamp and Light Bible Study is not a ‘theological’ study but a ‘life application’ study.

Our in house Priest will show that every single book of the Bible is interesting and has a message for us today. It deals with key aspects of the Christian life and speaks more to the heart than to the head. (Tap Here)
