Introduction To Gods Word On Marriage Relationships Through the Eyes Of The Church

What place does God’s Word have in making happy homes? Someone has observed that there is no place on earth so close to heaven as a happy home, and there is no place on earth so far from heaven as an unhappy one. If homes are transformed by God’s Word and harmonize with the principles of God’s Word, (which the Church proclaims), will they not be brought nearer to heaven itself?
Children who grow up in happy, godly homes do not realize the priceless heritage they enjoy. These children consider it normal to see role models who express Christian maturity in the crises of life, see differences resolved in a peaceful way, and know security and peace in everyday situations. This is a wonderful foundation for the challenges of adult life.
When children grow up in the homes of unbelievers and there is conflict, they may rightfully believe if God would have been present in their home, then they too could have had happiness and fulfillment at home.
It’s the children of families that confess conservative values and Scriptural goals but have stress and unending conflict that suffer the most. These little ones and teenagers have good reason to doubt the faith of their parents when they do not find harmony and peace at home.
What are couples involved in an unhappy marriage supposed to do?
They didn’t get married expecting problems. Often the more they work at trying to get the other person to live up to their expectations, the more desperate the situation becomes.
The foundational belief of these lessons that will be given over the next several weeks is that in order to be happy, all homes need to be built on the foundation God has laid out in the Bible. Good homes need it, poor homes need it even more. God created the plan of marriage and chose the partners
He wants to be together. God can give the “grace of life” to make it work when couples fit into His plan.
No home relationship is so wounded that it cannot find some healing when father or mother finds a walk with Christ the source of inspiration for life.
How much better when each comes to trust in the Designer’s principles and apply them to their home. But if one must do it alone, when he knows he is following God’s will, his faith will sustain him even in the darkest hours. God didn’t put any couple together in order to make them miserable. He holds the key for their happiness. When they cling steadfastly to Him, He
will lead the way. His goal is for every Christian home to be a happy haven and testimony of His grace.