Looking Upward

Looking Upward

Last week we said that we need to look back. But we also need to look up! We must never stop looking upwards and seeing more of the glory of the Lord. There is much of the glory of Jesus that we still haven't seen. We must hunger for this, because that's the image into which the Holy Ghost seeks to transform us. As we see the Lord's glory, it will humble us because we will see our own need. This is the secret of remaining in humility till the end of our lives.

It is very easy for one whom God has anointed and used mightily to become proud. I have seen a lot of Priest and Bishops like that. Because God has used them they are so proud and they are very distant from people. What is it that can keep us in brokenness and humility till the end of our lives? Only one thing. Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. When we look at Jesus it is impossible to be proud. A man becomes proud when he starts looking at other people, and imagines himself to be better then them, or more anointed then them, or more used than them etc. If, however he looked upwards at Jesus, he would fall on his face in the dust in repentance-like the apostle John did on the Isle of Patmos. And if he keeps looking at Jesus, he will keep his face in the dust forever.

All of us need to keep our faces in the dust at all times. That's the place of safety. So if you want God to be happy with you until the end of your days, keep looking upwards.

We should never look inwards first. We must always look upwards first. We must look at Jesus and as we see His glory, we will see our sin. That's the best way to see our sin; otherwise we will be discouraged.
